Easing into the rides by going on the train
Riding on the skyride with dad while Lauren was off on a "big" ride with mom
Laruen and Mom on the Tidal Wave
We were hoping that since we did Disneyland in May, we might get out of going to Lagoon this year. No such luck :) We got there when it opened at 11 a.m. and stayed until it closed at 10 p.m. It was a long but fun day. Lauren was VERY brave. After going on the Spider, Wild Mouse and Jet Star III (all rollercoasters) I told her I'd pay her $2 (that's right, 2 not 20) to go on the Colossus, which goes upsidedown. After thinking about it for a minute, she did it! She was so brave and actually did it again. Taylor and Josh were more on the mellow side. We spent a lot of time with them in Kiddyland. We wore ourselves into the ground. Bring on the first day of school now!
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